Winter at YCP (2022)

Holiday Parties - Children will celebrate with special snacks and holiday activities on Friday, December 16th. We will not have a kids gift exchange (or Santa visit) this year. Parties are for students only. Food Sign-Up Sheets will be with each Greeting Teacher in the morning (no online links). Please sign up to bring any festive foods for your children and their friends to enjoy - no candy, juice, or nuts.

Holiday Recital for Bumble Bees, Ladybugs, Grasshoppers - This year we are happy to welcome parents INSIDE Your Child's Place for our annual Holiday Recital. Please join us at 10am on Friday, December 16th (performance runs about 30 minutes.) Feel free to bring siblings, grandparents, others - we ask that every guest wear a mask while indoors.

Gifts - Teachers do not expect gifts, but if you are so inclined, individual gifts of cash or gift certificates would be most appreciated.  Front Desk would be happy to offer suggestions.

Winter Break - We will be closed beginning Monday, December 26th through Friday, December 30th. School will open on Monday January 2nd. Full tuition applies during the annual Holiday Break. We stay open for a number of Federal Holidays throughout the year so that we may close for an equal amount of days over the break between Christmas and New Year’s. You may pay via check before break, or Online or through Zelle.

Holiday Celebrations - Your Child’s Place observes many seasonal celebrations throughout the year.  These holidays are not specific to any religion and only the cultural aspects are emphasized. Activities and lessons are kept secular in nature, focusing on secular characters and objects commonly associated with the holiday and avoiding all religious references.

We welcome parents who would like to share their family traditions with activities, songs, or foods. Please consult with your child's teacher if you are interested in sending in materials to share with your child’s classroom. Your Child’s Place respects and honors each individual’s preference in respect to religion.