Welcome to March!

Re-Registration - You will find Re-Registration forms in your child's Tote Bag by Monday, March 11th.  If you would like to continue at YCP for the upcoming Academic year, please indicate on the form. All re-registration forms must be accompanied by the fee to guarantee your child's spot. Those who will be leaving us, must include a date as to your child's last day - we ask you to put down a specific day with the understanding that this might shift a day or two. Further information will be included on the form. Forms are due by April 1st and payment may be made via separate check or online.

Grasshopper Summer Registration - We will be again offering a Grasshopper-only Summer Program, broken into two sessions. Parents please look for further information to be placed in your child's tote by Monday, March 11th.

Immunization Audit - The Health Department is scheduled to come and check our Immunization Records during the month of March. If your child has recently had or is about to have their 12-month, 18-month, or 4-year Annual check-up, please remember to bring in those immunization records. We appreciate everyone's cooperation!

Parking Lot - Please make sure that all speeds remain under 5 MPH when driving through the property - especially during the hours of 3:30 - 5pm (when children are going between buildings and playground.) And please slow down and look when turning corners and backing out of parking spaces.

YCP Opening & Closing Clarifications - The Center follows the Federal Government (OPM) for all Closings and Late Arrivals based on weather.

In the event of Unscheduled Leave, Unscheduled Telework, Liberal Leave, or Early Dismissals the Center will make an Independent Decision guided by the status of OPM and FCPS (Fairfax County Schools) and local Weather Reports. All Early Dismissals will be given with as much advance notice as possible as we understand this to be an inconvenience.

An Independent Decision will also be made for any Emergency Closings during a Federal Holiday where YCP is open - this decision will be made no later than 5:30am on the day of. 

Emails WILL be sent for ALL weather related events. If you are uncertain about a potential delay during school hours, you may call us on the day in question for verification.  

Decisions will always err on the side of safety for our staff and families traveling to and from school. The Center is also mindful of parents schedules and will try to remain open for the convenience of our working parents as much as possible - this is the reason we choose NOT to follow FCPS for closings/delays/dimissals.

Reminder: All Closings, Late Procedures will be at the discretion of the Director.


March Monthly Activity Calendars and Lunch Menu are now posted online.